Monday, August 30, 2010

To All Members

Please hang in your yellow donation card on this Wednesday.Punishment will be given for those who did't bring.

Friday, August 27, 2010

To All Members:

Please hand in the yellow donation card to any AJK you see and ask them to pass it to Win-Sen, Rui Zhi or Rebecca. We will make an announcement to call all members out either on Monday or Wednesday so get it ready by Monday! Please tell us if u really lost the card!
Just a reminder... there will be no activity for these up coming weeks cause the school will be having a replacement day next week and after that is the two-weeks school holiday. We'll inform you guys when there is activity. Thank you. =)

To All AJKs:

Please remember to hand in your LOG BOOK and the MATLAMAT to Win-Sen latest by Wednesday. Form 3 AJKs can hand in after PMR so now just concentrate on your studies. :)
And there will be a meeting next Friday, time is not set yet. We will discuss about the projects so everyone must attend this meeting.
The duty list for cleaning the room is out so go and check on the whiteboard in room. Any problem or changes please tell Yong Hong.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Activity on this Saturday is cancelled(28/8/2010).

Friday, August 13, 2010

There's a few changes on the collar badge system :

- owe the AJK who catched you 20 pumpings on the next Saturday activity
- or the AJK will ask you to go and pump infront of KRS room
- no money punishment
- no saman-ing
- if you do not admit you did not wear collar badge, double pumpings
- AJK double

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Attention To all members,
No activity on this Saturday (14/8/10).

Friday, August 6, 2010


1. Collar badge system
- starting from tomorrow, all KRS member have to pin KRS collar badge at your RIGHT collar
- if got caught by any AJK that you din't pin your collar badge, punishment will be given
- fine RM5, AJK double
- 20 pumpings ON THE SPOT, AJK double
- will kena saman, do not lost the saman paper or...
- no excuses will be accepted >:D
- punishment will start on September (don't say we dint give you chance)
- if no collar badge, can buy from Logistik

2. Fitness training(compulsory for all AJK)
- there will be a fitness training to keep you guys fit :3 (jk) starting from next week, F3 no need to come until exam's over
- gather infront of KRS room
- morning session come on Thursday after school
- afternoon session come on Tuesday at 10:30 am
- wear red KRS shirt and PJK pants
- the last week of each month will have a test, so must come
- red KRS shirt can be purchased ONLY from our school, buy from Logistik

3. Log book
- AJK please hand in your COMPLETED log book by next week

thank you :3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Attention to all members
Activity on this Saturday(7/8/2010) is cancelled.