To all AJKs and morning session members, we'll be having our second photoshoot session on Tuesday (29/6),10.50am, at Station 6. All members involved are required to gather at KRS room at 10am with COMPLETE FULL-U. Please be punctual.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Activity will be held as usual on this Saturday (26/6/10), from 8.30 am to 12.00 pm, please be punctual. Attendance is compulsory.
To all CHS KRS, Kem pertauliahan will be held on the 9-11 of July 2010. All members are compulsory to participate. Announcements will be made in school for more details, please pay the fee RM50 to Lim Twan Ting (5S8). Thank You. :D
Saturday, June 5, 2010
To all members,
Please be at school on Monday (7/6/10) from 10 am to 12pm, for briefing about camp. Attendance is compulsory. :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Activity on this Saturday is cancelled because it is a public holiday. Further activity during the holidays or announcement regarding the annual camp or the following activity please follow up with this blog and KRS facebook. Thank you.