Friday, July 31, 2009

Attention to all AJK and members, the system of wearing collar badge will start officially on Monday, which is on 3th of August. Wear it on the right side of the collar. Whoever that is not wearing the collar badge and is spotted by any of the AJKs, punishment will be given ON THE SPOT

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Attention to all AJKs, there will be a meeting held on this Friday (31/7/09) at 1.00 p.m. sharp. 
Attendance is compulsory. Please be punctual. :)

Activity will be held on this Saturday (1/8/09) as usual, from 8.30 to 12. 
All members are compulsory to attend.
For those who are representing KRS to participate the Police Cadet Installation: Masquerade, please reach school before 7 am and bring a mask as well. Don't be late.   

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sistem Pemakaian Collar Badge

Start from this week (26/7-31/7), EVERY CADET including AJKS is required to wear KRS collar badge at school uniform right collar. Those who don't have, you can buy it from KRS Logistics Department.
Time frame given to you to prepare and use to this system is a week, and it's sufficient enough. Start from 3/8/09, AJKs will start to check. If anyone was found not wearing the collar badge, punishment will be given by the AJK straightaway on the spot.

Ketua Komander,

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thank You people!!!

Just want to say thank you to all teachers, ex-seniors, ex-AJKs, present AJKs and all cadets for your support. THANK YOU.
I promised I'll do my best to make KRS a better future!!!
Hopefully you all will give your support and commitment.

p.s. Photos will be uploaded by Ketua Publisiti.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There has been a change.
Please wear your Half u this Saturday(25/7).
And bring your Full u.
Come at the usual activity time.
thank you.

meaning : we'll gather at usual activity time (8.30-12.00). BRING ALONG your FULL-U

Monday, July 20, 2009

Annual General Meeting aka AGM

This Saturday, 25/7/09.
AGM will be held.
Full-U required.
Welcome this big day's arrival at 9.00a.m on 25/7/09.
Further notice, refer to school KRS board.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Activity will be held this Saturday. Usual time (8.30-12.00) at usual place with usual attire. Attendance is compulsory. Late comers will be punished.

To all new lance corporals and corporals,
Kindly please buy your rank immediately this week and give it to Corporal NG WENG MING (4S10). Deadline is this Friday(17/7). If you couldn't buy it due to some reasons, please find helps from other new lance corporals or corporals to buy for you. Punishment will be given if you failed to do so. We need the rank for the following Monday assembly.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

There will be an interview session this Friday and Saturday. (10/7 and 11/7)
On Friday,
it will be for the form 3's and it starts at 1 pm after school.
On Saturday,
it will be for the form 4's and 2's, starting after the weekly activity.

What time we will finish is not confirmed, so plan your schedule and transport properly.
Thank you and Good luck.

Activity is as usual this Saturday. Remember to come at the usual time.
Thank you.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Thank you to all members including SMK Taman Sea members and AJKs for coming to this camp. Although this camp was a wee bit tough, but it's a memorabilia to everyone.

Thank you to teachers for coming, helping and supporting.
Thank you to all ex-seniors for coming back and helping us in giving many advices.
Thank you to all Form 5 seniors for teaching and helping us when we were helpless.
Thank you to all SMK Taman Sea participants and AJKs for paying an effort to come.
Thank you to all my AJKs for paying so many time and effort and energy in this camp.
Thank you to all CHS KRS participants that you all made this camp a success.
Thank you to whoever had supported me during the camp.

CONGRATULATIONS to all new lance corporal and new corporal.

Photos :
*Thank you, Bell*

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Thank you to all who participated the camp. We hope you learn somethings and also had some fun.

and also,

congratulations to all the new Lans Coperals and Coperals. Work hard to make the future a better place for KRS.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


For camp pertauliahan participants,
MORNING SESSION participants have to stay during afternoon and evening to pitch up your tent.
AFTERNOON SESSION participants have to come early in the morning to pitch up your tent.

Don't think that your job will be taken by somebody else if you din't come. You MUST STAY/COME EARLY or you'll have no tent to sleep.